Binary Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Division

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Add, Subtract, Multiply and Division of two Binary Numbers 
# include <iostream>
# include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int toDec(int binary)
int x = 0, a = 0, y = 0;
while (binary != 0)
x = binary % 10;
binary = binary / 10;
y = x*pow(2, a) + y;
return y;

int powCheck(int x)
for (int v = 0; v<1000; v++)
if (pow(2, v) == x)
return v;
int main()
int bin1, bin2, revBin = 0, conBin = 0;
char choice;
cout << "Please Enter 1st Binary Number : ";
cin >> bin1;
cout << "Please Enter 2nd Binary Number : ";
cin >> bin2;
cout << "Please Enter an operation to be done from below" << endl;
cout << "Enter '+'sign to Add Binary Numbers" << endl;
cout << "Enter '-'sign to Subtract Binary Numbers" << endl;
cout << "Enter '*'sign to Multiply Binary Numbers" << endl;
cout << "Enter '/'sign to Divide Binary Numbers" << endl;
cin >> choice;
int d1 = toDec(bin1); //bin1 to decimal
int d2 = toDec(bin2);
cout << "Decimal of 1st Binary is : " << d1 << endl;
cout << "Decimal of 2nd Binary is : " << d2 << endl;

int fun;
if (choice == '+')
fun = d1 + d2;
else if (choice == '-')
fun = d1 - d2;
else if (choice == '*')
fun = d1*d2;
else if (choice == '/')
fun = d1 / d2;
return 0;
int altFun = fun;
while (fun != 0)
revBin = revBin * 10 + fun % 2;
fun = fun / 2;

while (revBin != 0)
conBin = conBin * 10 + revBin % 10;
revBin = revBin / 10;
if (altFun % 2 == 0 && powCheck(altFun))
conBin = conBin*pow(10, powCheck(altFun));
cout <<"The result from "<<choice<<" is: "<< conBin << endl;

else if (altFun % 2 == 0)
conBin = conBin * 10;
} while (altFun != toDec(conBin));
cout <<"The result from "<<choice<<" is: "<< conBin << endl;
cout <<"The result from "<<choice<<" is: "<< conBin << endl;

return 0;
