
10:35 0 Comments A+ a-

Problem :
Write a C++ program which prints the following pattern by taking the height and width from the user. For example, if the user enters height to be 5 and width to be 11, the following pattern should be displayed on screen:
+  +  +  +   +  +
+  +   +  +  +  +
In order to display the above pattern, your program should use ONLY following THREE cout statements:
cout << "+"; cout << " "; cout << endl;
Input validation: Your program should make sure that both height and width are odd numbers. Moreover, the value of height should be at least 3 and value of width should be at least 5. In case of invalid input, your program should keep prompting the user again and again till the user provides valid input.

# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int height; //height of pattern initialized
int width; //Width of pattern initialized
cout<<"Please enter the Height of Pattern (must be >=3 and odd)"<<endl;
cin>>height; //height of pattern declared
cout<<"Please enter the Width Of Pattern (must be >=5 and odd)"<<endl;
cin>>width; //Width of pattern declared
while(height<3 || width<5) //check for if height is less than three or width is less than five and to take input accordingly which value is entered wrong
if(height<3){ //Height check for <3
cout<<"Invalid input for Height of Pattern"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the Height of Pattern again (must be >=3 and odd)"<<endl;
cin>>height; //Input for height again
else if(width<5) //Width check for <5
cout<<"Invalid input for Width of Pattern"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the Width of Pattern again (must be >=5 and odd)"<<endl;
cin>>width; //Input for width again
if(height>=3 && width>=5) //check for if height or width are odd or even??
while(height%2==0 && height>=3) //check for height is either odd or not and also greater than 3 or not in case of again input
cout<<"Height must be odd number"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the Height of Pattern again (must be >=3 and odd)"<<endl;
cin>>height; //Input for height again
while(width%2==0 && width>=5) //check for width is either odd or not and also greater than 5 or not in case of again input
cout<<"Width must be odd number"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the Width of Pattern again (must be >=5 and odd)"<<endl;
cin>>width; //Input for width again
for(int i=0;i<height;i++) //Control of rows
if(i%2==0) //check for rows either even or odd
for(int j=0;j<width;j++) //display of even numbered row
else //check for rows either even or odd
for(int k=0;k<width;k++) //display odd numbered rows
cout<<" ";


return 0;